Needle Safety: 5 Tips for the Safe Use of Hypodermic Needles

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It is essential that healthcare professionals and individuals alike practice safe needle use when administering injections. Get various 34 gauge hypodermic needle sizes at Face Med Store to ensure proper safety protocols are followed, no matter what type of injection you perform. Here are five tips to consider when using hypodermic needles safely:

1. Choosing the right size needle

When choosing a hypodermic needle, choosing the right length and gauge for the injection site is important. The right size depends on many factors, including age, gender, muscle mass, or fat content at the injection site. For example, a taller person may need a longer length than a shorter person to reach deeper layers of muscle tissue.

2. Choose new needles every time

Reusing needles increases the risk of infection or contamination with blood-borne diseases such as HIV or hepatitis B and C, which can be fatal if contracted. Reusing needles can also lead to skin damage due to more frequent punctures and increased pressure on the skin surface, causing pain and irritation with each subsequent injection. Even if you clean them between uses, there’s still too much risk associated with reusing needles – so get new ones every time!

3. Cleaning before insertion

Before inserting the needle into your patient’s skin, it is important to clean it thoroughly with an alcohol solution or disinfectant wipe, as this helps to reduce the risk of infection by killing any bacteria on the surface of the device. This also helps to prevent cross-contamination from patients who may have communicable diseases such as influenza or even more serious viruses such as hepatitis C, which can spread rapidly through contact with infected bodily fluids.

4. Dispose of properly

After use, a hypodermic needle should be disposed of immediately in a sharps container designed specifically for medical devices designed to pierce the skin, such as syringes and needles. This will prevent accidental injury from discarded items and also keep infectious materials out of the landfill, where they could contaminate drinking water supplies or infect other animals that come into contact with them – both scenarios with disastrous consequences if not handled correctly!

5. Wear protective clothing

It is important to protect yourself when handling sharp objects such as hypodermic needles by wearing gloves made from protective materials such as nitrile or latex rubber, which will keep your hands safe and prevent potential exposure to pathogens during injection procedures. You should also always wear goggles or face masks, depending on the type of environment you’re working in; this will help protect against splashes of blood or other fluids during injections, as well as protect your eyesight if pieces break off in someone’s eye socket during an injection – both very real possibilities without adequate protection!

In conclusion

No matter what type of injections you are planning to give, practicing proper hygiene and safety practices when using hypodermic needles is key and by following these simple tips, healthcare professionals and individuals alike can ensure that their patients remain healthy and protected. Face Med Store has a range of 34 gauge hypodermic needles to suit all your needs!

About Post Author


Kimberly Blake is a registered nurse and a contributor. She works for La Salle Medical Science Clinic and she is currently the heard writer for A Heart is a Spade.
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